How to Improve Your Lead to Deal Conversion Ratio with HubSpot CRM


In today's highly competitive business landscape, converting leads into deals is crucial for sustained growth and profitability. The HubSpot CRM offers a suite of powerful tools designed to streamline this process, making it easier to manage leads and convert them into paying customers. Let’s take a look at some strategies that can help move the needle in your lead to deal conversion ratio using HubSpot.

Understanding the Lead To Deal Conversion Ratio in HubSpot CRM

The lead to deal conversion ratio is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the percentage of leads that transition into closed deals or paying customers. A higher conversion ratio signifies a more effective sales process and better-targeted marketing efforts. Improving this ratio can significantly enhance your revenue and business growth. According to HubSpot’s 2024 Sales Trends Report, 59% of sales people believe that the leads provided by their marketing teams are of high quality. The report also highlighted that the average sales close rate stands at 29%.

The lead to deal conversion rate can be calculated by dividing the number of successful conversions (customers) by the total number of leads or prospects, then multiplying the result by 100. HubSpot offers various tools and features to help businesses track, analyze, and optimize their sales conversion rate, ensuring you can identify performance bottlenecks and refine your sales tactics effectively. There is a detailed discussion on how to add conversion rate reporting to HubSpot dashboards in this HubSpot community post.

Importance of the Lead To Deal Conversion Ratio in HubSpot CRM

The lead to deal conversion rate in HubSpot is essential for several reasons:

1. Evaluating Sales Effectiveness: Tracking this rate allows businesses to gauge how well their sales strategies convert leads into customers. Identifying areas needing improvement enables data-driven decisions to enhance sales efficiency and boost revenue.

2. Sales Forecasting and Goal Setting: By examining historical conversion rates, businesses can set realistic targets for their sales teams and monitor progress. This aids in resource planning, budgeting, and aligning sales activities with broader business goals.

3. Identifying High-Quality Leads: Analyzing conversion rates across various lead sources or segments helps prioritize promising leads, optimize lead nurturing activities, and improve lead qualification processes.

4. Benchmarking Performance: Comparing conversion rates across different periods, sales teams, or marketing campaigns helps identify trends and best practices. Businesses can replicate successful strategies to drive higher conversion rates consistently.

Key Lead To Deal Conversion Rate KPIs in HubSpot CRM

1. Overall Sales Conversion Rate: This KPI measures the overall effectiveness of converting leads into customers across all sales activities within HubSpot. It provides a comprehensive view of sales performance.

2. Conversion Rate by Lead Source: This KPI evaluates conversion rates from various lead sources, such as website inquiries, social media, email campaigns, or referrals. It helps determine the most effective sources and informs marketing and sales strategies.

3. Conversion Rate by Sales Representative: Measuring individual sales representatives' conversion rates highlights top performers and identifies areas where additional training or support might be necessary.

4. Conversion Rate by Sales Funnel Stage: Tracking conversion rates at each stage of the sales funnel - from initial contact to closed deals - helps pinpoint where leads are dropping off. This insight allows businesses to optimize their sales process and improve conversion rates.

5. Conversion Rate by Product or Service: This KPI assesses the conversion rates for different products or services, helping businesses understand which offerings are more successful and guiding strategic decisions regarding product portfolio management.

6. Conversion Rate by Customer Segment: Analyzing conversion rates for various customer segments based on demographics, industries, or other criteria helps tailor sales and marketing efforts to the most lucrative segments.

How You Can Leverage HubSpot CRM To Boost Your Conversions

1. Enhance Lead Qualification

Effective lead qualification ensures that your sales team focuses on high-potential leads. HubSpot offers tools to help you qualify leads accurately.

Implementation Steps:

  • Set Qualification Criteria: Define the characteristics that make a lead a good fit for your product or service.

  • Qualify Automatically: Utilize lead scoring and segmentation to automatically qualify leads.

  • Prioritize Leads: Use dashboards to prioritize leads based on their qualification status, ensuring your sales team focuses on the most promising prospects.

2. Optimize Lead Scoring

Lead scoring comes into play after lead qualification. It’s an essential process that helps prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. HubSpot allows you to create custom lead scoring models, which can be tailored to your business needs. If you’re new to lead scoring, check out our beginner’s guide on HubSpot lead scoring for a comprehensive walkthrough. 

Implementation Steps:

  • Define Criteria: Identify key attributes and high-intent behaviors that indicate a lead's potential to convert, such as engagement with emails, website visits, and demographic information.

  • Assign Scores: Allocate points to each criterion based on its importance. For example, a lead who downloads a whitepaper might receive more points than one who only visits the homepage.

  • Automate Scoring: Utilize HubSpot automation features to score leads in real-time, ensuring no potential customer is overlooked.

3. Personalize Lead Nurturing

Personalized communication is crucial for building relationships and trust with your leads. HubSpot's tools for segmentation and automated marketing enable you to deliver tailored content to each lead.

Implementation Steps:

  • Segment Leads: Group your leads based on their characteristics, behavior, and position in the buyer's journey.

  • Create Targeted Content: Develop personalized content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of each segment.

  • Automate Campaigns: Use HubSpot's workflow automation to send personalized emails and content at optimal times, nurturing leads effectively.

4. Enhance Response Time (Speed to Lead)

Prompt responses to lead inquiries can significantly improve conversion rates. HubSpot’s task management and meeting scheduling features can help ensure timely follow-ups.

Implementation Steps:

  • Real-Time Notifications: Set up real-time notifications to alert your sales team when a lead engages with your content.

  • Task Management: Use the task management tools to assign and prioritize follow-up tasks for your team in HubSpot

  • Meeting Scheduling: Leverage the integrated meeting scheduler to facilitate easy appointment booking, reducing friction in the sales process.

5. Leverage Detailed Analytics and Reporting

Understanding your sales performance is crucial for continuous improvement. HubSpot provides analytics and reporting features that offer deep insights into your conversion rates and overall sales process.

Implementation Steps:

  • Track Key Metrics: Monitor important metrics such as lead response times, email open rates, and conversion rates.

  • Identify Bottlenecks: Use funnel reports to pinpoint where leads are dropping off in the sales process.

  • Optimize Strategies: Regularly review analytics and adjust your sales strategies based on data-driven insights.

6. Integrate with Marketing Efforts

Aligning your sales and marketing efforts is vital for maximizing lead conversions. HubSpot’s integration capabilities ensure seamless collaboration between these two functions.

Implementation Steps:

  • Align Goals: Ensure that both sales and marketing teams have shared goals and KPIs.

  • Share Data: Use the CRM to facilitate data sharing and communication between teams, improving collaboration.

  • Coordinate Campaigns: Plan integrated campaigns that target leads throughout their buyer journey, providing a cohesive experience.

Get Your Sales Team a Sidekick to Boost Conversions

According to an interesting study by McKinsey, around a third of all sales and sales operations tasks can be easily automated. Sidekick’s deep automation and bi-directional integration with HubSpot-Slack is tailor made to supercharge growth for fast-paced B2B SaaS companies. Here are some ways in which we make life easier for sales folks:

1. Streamlined Lead Management

Efficiently managing leads is essential for conversions. Integrating Sidekick with HubSpot alerts team members on Slack when a new lead is created. They can update lifecycle stages, assign SDRs or AEs, add notes, and qualify leads directly from Slack. All changes sync back to HubSpot, keeping data accurate.

2. Simplified Lead Qualification

Qualifying leads often requires switching between tools like LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, and HubSpot which can be a time-consuming and tedious process. The Sidekick-ZoomInfo integration delivers key company details in Slack messages with action buttons for quick qualification. Sidekick can also send qualifying questionnaires to sales reps via Slack, allowing them to gather data efficiently while speaking with leads during discovery calls. This automation helps SDRs conduct effective qualification calls and speeds up the sales cycle.

3. Weekly SDR Recaps

Regular follow-ups are vital to drive higher conversion rates. Sidekick helps SDRs prioritize follow-ups by sending them a weekly recap of all leads via Slack, including new leads, contacted leads, and their current status. 

4. Deal Expiration Alerts

Managing deals effectively prevents missed opportunities. Sidekick tracks deals and notifies you when a deal’s close date passes. You can adjust the close date or close the deal directly from Slack.

5. Deal Channels in Slack

Sidekick keeps relevant stakeholders informed about a deal’s progress by setting up a Slack channel when a new deal is created on HubSpot. You can also keep your sales team motivated and boost morale by creating a dedicated Win Room channel on Slack for posting updates on demos booked and deals closed. 

Improving your lead to deal conversion ratio with HubSpot involves optimizing your sales processes, leveraging automation, and utilizing detailed analytics. By getting your sales team a Sidekick, you can bring in more transparency, efficiency and free up time to chase after the leads that are more likely to convert. 

Take Sidekick for a spin with a free trial account today, or request a demo with us to learn more. 

How to Improve Your Lead to Deal Conversion Ratio with HubSpot CRM


In today's highly competitive business landscape, converting leads into deals is crucial for sustained growth and profitability. The HubSpot CRM offers a suite of powerful tools designed to streamline this process, making it easier to manage leads and convert them into paying customers. Let’s take a look at some strategies that can help move the needle in your lead to deal conversion ratio using HubSpot.

Understanding the Lead To Deal Conversion Ratio in HubSpot CRM

The lead to deal conversion ratio is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the percentage of leads that transition into closed deals or paying customers. A higher conversion ratio signifies a more effective sales process and better-targeted marketing efforts. Improving this ratio can significantly enhance your revenue and business growth. According to HubSpot’s 2024 Sales Trends Report, 59% of sales people believe that the leads provided by their marketing teams are of high quality. The report also highlighted that the average sales close rate stands at 29%.

The lead to deal conversion rate can be calculated by dividing the number of successful conversions (customers) by the total number of leads or prospects, then multiplying the result by 100. HubSpot offers various tools and features to help businesses track, analyze, and optimize their sales conversion rate, ensuring you can identify performance bottlenecks and refine your sales tactics effectively. There is a detailed discussion on how to add conversion rate reporting to HubSpot dashboards in this HubSpot community post.

Importance of the Lead To Deal Conversion Ratio in HubSpot CRM

The lead to deal conversion rate in HubSpot is essential for several reasons:

1. Evaluating Sales Effectiveness: Tracking this rate allows businesses to gauge how well their sales strategies convert leads into customers. Identifying areas needing improvement enables data-driven decisions to enhance sales efficiency and boost revenue.

2. Sales Forecasting and Goal Setting: By examining historical conversion rates, businesses can set realistic targets for their sales teams and monitor progress. This aids in resource planning, budgeting, and aligning sales activities with broader business goals.

3. Identifying High-Quality Leads: Analyzing conversion rates across various lead sources or segments helps prioritize promising leads, optimize lead nurturing activities, and improve lead qualification processes.

4. Benchmarking Performance: Comparing conversion rates across different periods, sales teams, or marketing campaigns helps identify trends and best practices. Businesses can replicate successful strategies to drive higher conversion rates consistently.

Key Lead To Deal Conversion Rate KPIs in HubSpot CRM

1. Overall Sales Conversion Rate: This KPI measures the overall effectiveness of converting leads into customers across all sales activities within HubSpot. It provides a comprehensive view of sales performance.

2. Conversion Rate by Lead Source: This KPI evaluates conversion rates from various lead sources, such as website inquiries, social media, email campaigns, or referrals. It helps determine the most effective sources and informs marketing and sales strategies.

3. Conversion Rate by Sales Representative: Measuring individual sales representatives' conversion rates highlights top performers and identifies areas where additional training or support might be necessary.

4. Conversion Rate by Sales Funnel Stage: Tracking conversion rates at each stage of the sales funnel - from initial contact to closed deals - helps pinpoint where leads are dropping off. This insight allows businesses to optimize their sales process and improve conversion rates.

5. Conversion Rate by Product or Service: This KPI assesses the conversion rates for different products or services, helping businesses understand which offerings are more successful and guiding strategic decisions regarding product portfolio management.

6. Conversion Rate by Customer Segment: Analyzing conversion rates for various customer segments based on demographics, industries, or other criteria helps tailor sales and marketing efforts to the most lucrative segments.

How You Can Leverage HubSpot CRM To Boost Your Conversions

1. Enhance Lead Qualification

Effective lead qualification ensures that your sales team focuses on high-potential leads. HubSpot offers tools to help you qualify leads accurately.

Implementation Steps:

  • Set Qualification Criteria: Define the characteristics that make a lead a good fit for your product or service.

  • Qualify Automatically: Utilize lead scoring and segmentation to automatically qualify leads.

  • Prioritize Leads: Use dashboards to prioritize leads based on their qualification status, ensuring your sales team focuses on the most promising prospects.

2. Optimize Lead Scoring

Lead scoring comes into play after lead qualification. It’s an essential process that helps prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. HubSpot allows you to create custom lead scoring models, which can be tailored to your business needs. If you’re new to lead scoring, check out our beginner’s guide on HubSpot lead scoring for a comprehensive walkthrough. 

Implementation Steps:

  • Define Criteria: Identify key attributes and high-intent behaviors that indicate a lead's potential to convert, such as engagement with emails, website visits, and demographic information.

  • Assign Scores: Allocate points to each criterion based on its importance. For example, a lead who downloads a whitepaper might receive more points than one who only visits the homepage.

  • Automate Scoring: Utilize HubSpot automation features to score leads in real-time, ensuring no potential customer is overlooked.

3. Personalize Lead Nurturing

Personalized communication is crucial for building relationships and trust with your leads. HubSpot's tools for segmentation and automated marketing enable you to deliver tailored content to each lead.

Implementation Steps:

  • Segment Leads: Group your leads based on their characteristics, behavior, and position in the buyer's journey.

  • Create Targeted Content: Develop personalized content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of each segment.

  • Automate Campaigns: Use HubSpot's workflow automation to send personalized emails and content at optimal times, nurturing leads effectively.

4. Enhance Response Time (Speed to Lead)

Prompt responses to lead inquiries can significantly improve conversion rates. HubSpot’s task management and meeting scheduling features can help ensure timely follow-ups.

Implementation Steps:

  • Real-Time Notifications: Set up real-time notifications to alert your sales team when a lead engages with your content.

  • Task Management: Use the task management tools to assign and prioritize follow-up tasks for your team in HubSpot

  • Meeting Scheduling: Leverage the integrated meeting scheduler to facilitate easy appointment booking, reducing friction in the sales process.

5. Leverage Detailed Analytics and Reporting

Understanding your sales performance is crucial for continuous improvement. HubSpot provides analytics and reporting features that offer deep insights into your conversion rates and overall sales process.

Implementation Steps:

  • Track Key Metrics: Monitor important metrics such as lead response times, email open rates, and conversion rates.

  • Identify Bottlenecks: Use funnel reports to pinpoint where leads are dropping off in the sales process.

  • Optimize Strategies: Regularly review analytics and adjust your sales strategies based on data-driven insights.

6. Integrate with Marketing Efforts

Aligning your sales and marketing efforts is vital for maximizing lead conversions. HubSpot’s integration capabilities ensure seamless collaboration between these two functions.

Implementation Steps:

  • Align Goals: Ensure that both sales and marketing teams have shared goals and KPIs.

  • Share Data: Use the CRM to facilitate data sharing and communication between teams, improving collaboration.

  • Coordinate Campaigns: Plan integrated campaigns that target leads throughout their buyer journey, providing a cohesive experience.

Get Your Sales Team a Sidekick to Boost Conversions

According to an interesting study by McKinsey, around a third of all sales and sales operations tasks can be easily automated. Sidekick’s deep automation and bi-directional integration with HubSpot-Slack is tailor made to supercharge growth for fast-paced B2B SaaS companies. Here are some ways in which we make life easier for sales folks:

1. Streamlined Lead Management

Efficiently managing leads is essential for conversions. Integrating Sidekick with HubSpot alerts team members on Slack when a new lead is created. They can update lifecycle stages, assign SDRs or AEs, add notes, and qualify leads directly from Slack. All changes sync back to HubSpot, keeping data accurate.

2. Simplified Lead Qualification

Qualifying leads often requires switching between tools like LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, and HubSpot which can be a time-consuming and tedious process. The Sidekick-ZoomInfo integration delivers key company details in Slack messages with action buttons for quick qualification. Sidekick can also send qualifying questionnaires to sales reps via Slack, allowing them to gather data efficiently while speaking with leads during discovery calls. This automation helps SDRs conduct effective qualification calls and speeds up the sales cycle.

3. Weekly SDR Recaps

Regular follow-ups are vital to drive higher conversion rates. Sidekick helps SDRs prioritize follow-ups by sending them a weekly recap of all leads via Slack, including new leads, contacted leads, and their current status. 

4. Deal Expiration Alerts

Managing deals effectively prevents missed opportunities. Sidekick tracks deals and notifies you when a deal’s close date passes. You can adjust the close date or close the deal directly from Slack.

5. Deal Channels in Slack

Sidekick keeps relevant stakeholders informed about a deal’s progress by setting up a Slack channel when a new deal is created on HubSpot. You can also keep your sales team motivated and boost morale by creating a dedicated Win Room channel on Slack for posting updates on demos booked and deals closed. 

Improving your lead to deal conversion ratio with HubSpot involves optimizing your sales processes, leveraging automation, and utilizing detailed analytics. By getting your sales team a Sidekick, you can bring in more transparency, efficiency and free up time to chase after the leads that are more likely to convert. 

Take Sidekick for a spin with a free trial account today, or request a demo with us to learn more. 

How to Improve Your Lead to Deal Conversion Ratio with HubSpot CRM


In today's highly competitive business landscape, converting leads into deals is crucial for sustained growth and profitability. The HubSpot CRM offers a suite of powerful tools designed to streamline this process, making it easier to manage leads and convert them into paying customers. Let’s take a look at some strategies that can help move the needle in your lead to deal conversion ratio using HubSpot.

Understanding the Lead To Deal Conversion Ratio in HubSpot CRM

The lead to deal conversion ratio is a key performance indicator (KPI) that measures the percentage of leads that transition into closed deals or paying customers. A higher conversion ratio signifies a more effective sales process and better-targeted marketing efforts. Improving this ratio can significantly enhance your revenue and business growth. According to HubSpot’s 2024 Sales Trends Report, 59% of sales people believe that the leads provided by their marketing teams are of high quality. The report also highlighted that the average sales close rate stands at 29%.

The lead to deal conversion rate can be calculated by dividing the number of successful conversions (customers) by the total number of leads or prospects, then multiplying the result by 100. HubSpot offers various tools and features to help businesses track, analyze, and optimize their sales conversion rate, ensuring you can identify performance bottlenecks and refine your sales tactics effectively. There is a detailed discussion on how to add conversion rate reporting to HubSpot dashboards in this HubSpot community post.

Importance of the Lead To Deal Conversion Ratio in HubSpot CRM

The lead to deal conversion rate in HubSpot is essential for several reasons:

1. Evaluating Sales Effectiveness: Tracking this rate allows businesses to gauge how well their sales strategies convert leads into customers. Identifying areas needing improvement enables data-driven decisions to enhance sales efficiency and boost revenue.

2. Sales Forecasting and Goal Setting: By examining historical conversion rates, businesses can set realistic targets for their sales teams and monitor progress. This aids in resource planning, budgeting, and aligning sales activities with broader business goals.

3. Identifying High-Quality Leads: Analyzing conversion rates across various lead sources or segments helps prioritize promising leads, optimize lead nurturing activities, and improve lead qualification processes.

4. Benchmarking Performance: Comparing conversion rates across different periods, sales teams, or marketing campaigns helps identify trends and best practices. Businesses can replicate successful strategies to drive higher conversion rates consistently.

Key Lead To Deal Conversion Rate KPIs in HubSpot CRM

1. Overall Sales Conversion Rate: This KPI measures the overall effectiveness of converting leads into customers across all sales activities within HubSpot. It provides a comprehensive view of sales performance.

2. Conversion Rate by Lead Source: This KPI evaluates conversion rates from various lead sources, such as website inquiries, social media, email campaigns, or referrals. It helps determine the most effective sources and informs marketing and sales strategies.

3. Conversion Rate by Sales Representative: Measuring individual sales representatives' conversion rates highlights top performers and identifies areas where additional training or support might be necessary.

4. Conversion Rate by Sales Funnel Stage: Tracking conversion rates at each stage of the sales funnel - from initial contact to closed deals - helps pinpoint where leads are dropping off. This insight allows businesses to optimize their sales process and improve conversion rates.

5. Conversion Rate by Product or Service: This KPI assesses the conversion rates for different products or services, helping businesses understand which offerings are more successful and guiding strategic decisions regarding product portfolio management.

6. Conversion Rate by Customer Segment: Analyzing conversion rates for various customer segments based on demographics, industries, or other criteria helps tailor sales and marketing efforts to the most lucrative segments.

How You Can Leverage HubSpot CRM To Boost Your Conversions

1. Enhance Lead Qualification

Effective lead qualification ensures that your sales team focuses on high-potential leads. HubSpot offers tools to help you qualify leads accurately.

Implementation Steps:

  • Set Qualification Criteria: Define the characteristics that make a lead a good fit for your product or service.

  • Qualify Automatically: Utilize lead scoring and segmentation to automatically qualify leads.

  • Prioritize Leads: Use dashboards to prioritize leads based on their qualification status, ensuring your sales team focuses on the most promising prospects.

2. Optimize Lead Scoring

Lead scoring comes into play after lead qualification. It’s an essential process that helps prioritize leads based on their likelihood to convert. HubSpot allows you to create custom lead scoring models, which can be tailored to your business needs. If you’re new to lead scoring, check out our beginner’s guide on HubSpot lead scoring for a comprehensive walkthrough. 

Implementation Steps:

  • Define Criteria: Identify key attributes and high-intent behaviors that indicate a lead's potential to convert, such as engagement with emails, website visits, and demographic information.

  • Assign Scores: Allocate points to each criterion based on its importance. For example, a lead who downloads a whitepaper might receive more points than one who only visits the homepage.

  • Automate Scoring: Utilize HubSpot automation features to score leads in real-time, ensuring no potential customer is overlooked.

3. Personalize Lead Nurturing

Personalized communication is crucial for building relationships and trust with your leads. HubSpot's tools for segmentation and automated marketing enable you to deliver tailored content to each lead.

Implementation Steps:

  • Segment Leads: Group your leads based on their characteristics, behavior, and position in the buyer's journey.

  • Create Targeted Content: Develop personalized content that addresses the specific needs and pain points of each segment.

  • Automate Campaigns: Use HubSpot's workflow automation to send personalized emails and content at optimal times, nurturing leads effectively.

4. Enhance Response Time (Speed to Lead)

Prompt responses to lead inquiries can significantly improve conversion rates. HubSpot’s task management and meeting scheduling features can help ensure timely follow-ups.

Implementation Steps:

  • Real-Time Notifications: Set up real-time notifications to alert your sales team when a lead engages with your content.

  • Task Management: Use the task management tools to assign and prioritize follow-up tasks for your team in HubSpot

  • Meeting Scheduling: Leverage the integrated meeting scheduler to facilitate easy appointment booking, reducing friction in the sales process.

5. Leverage Detailed Analytics and Reporting

Understanding your sales performance is crucial for continuous improvement. HubSpot provides analytics and reporting features that offer deep insights into your conversion rates and overall sales process.

Implementation Steps:

  • Track Key Metrics: Monitor important metrics such as lead response times, email open rates, and conversion rates.

  • Identify Bottlenecks: Use funnel reports to pinpoint where leads are dropping off in the sales process.

  • Optimize Strategies: Regularly review analytics and adjust your sales strategies based on data-driven insights.

6. Integrate with Marketing Efforts

Aligning your sales and marketing efforts is vital for maximizing lead conversions. HubSpot’s integration capabilities ensure seamless collaboration between these two functions.

Implementation Steps:

  • Align Goals: Ensure that both sales and marketing teams have shared goals and KPIs.

  • Share Data: Use the CRM to facilitate data sharing and communication between teams, improving collaboration.

  • Coordinate Campaigns: Plan integrated campaigns that target leads throughout their buyer journey, providing a cohesive experience.

Get Your Sales Team a Sidekick to Boost Conversions

According to an interesting study by McKinsey, around a third of all sales and sales operations tasks can be easily automated. Sidekick’s deep automation and bi-directional integration with HubSpot-Slack is tailor made to supercharge growth for fast-paced B2B SaaS companies. Here are some ways in which we make life easier for sales folks:

1. Streamlined Lead Management

Efficiently managing leads is essential for conversions. Integrating Sidekick with HubSpot alerts team members on Slack when a new lead is created. They can update lifecycle stages, assign SDRs or AEs, add notes, and qualify leads directly from Slack. All changes sync back to HubSpot, keeping data accurate.

2. Simplified Lead Qualification

Qualifying leads often requires switching between tools like LinkedIn, ZoomInfo, and HubSpot which can be a time-consuming and tedious process. The Sidekick-ZoomInfo integration delivers key company details in Slack messages with action buttons for quick qualification. Sidekick can also send qualifying questionnaires to sales reps via Slack, allowing them to gather data efficiently while speaking with leads during discovery calls. This automation helps SDRs conduct effective qualification calls and speeds up the sales cycle.

3. Weekly SDR Recaps

Regular follow-ups are vital to drive higher conversion rates. Sidekick helps SDRs prioritize follow-ups by sending them a weekly recap of all leads via Slack, including new leads, contacted leads, and their current status. 

4. Deal Expiration Alerts

Managing deals effectively prevents missed opportunities. Sidekick tracks deals and notifies you when a deal’s close date passes. You can adjust the close date or close the deal directly from Slack.

5. Deal Channels in Slack

Sidekick keeps relevant stakeholders informed about a deal’s progress by setting up a Slack channel when a new deal is created on HubSpot. You can also keep your sales team motivated and boost morale by creating a dedicated Win Room channel on Slack for posting updates on demos booked and deals closed. 

Improving your lead to deal conversion ratio with HubSpot involves optimizing your sales processes, leveraging automation, and utilizing detailed analytics. By getting your sales team a Sidekick, you can bring in more transparency, efficiency and free up time to chase after the leads that are more likely to convert. 

Take Sidekick for a spin with a free trial account today, or request a demo with us to learn more. 

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