A Starter Guide on Creating a RevOps Dashboard on HubSpot


Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a strategic approach that unifies sales, marketing, and customer service teams under a single operational framework. By breaking down silos and fostering collaboration, it enhances efficiency and helps businesses achieve their revenue targets more effectively. If you’re just getting started with RevOps, it’s crucial to understand how to implement it on your CRM. 

There is no debate that RevOps has emerged as a powerful strategy to accelerate revenue growth. It has demonstrated substantial benefits in B2B tech companies, such as 30% reductions in GTM expenses, and 10% to 20% increases in sales productivity. 

According to LinkedIn, “Head of Revenue Operations” is the fastest-growing job in the US, even though the role is relatively new. Looking at this trend, it’s increasingly important to start tracking the right RevOps metrics. A well-designed RevOps dashboard ensures your RevOps structure is fueling growth as envisioned. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of a RevOps dashboard, what to track, how to create it with HubSpot, and some challenges you might face.

Why Is It Important To Have A RevOps Dashboard?

A RevOps dashboard provides real-time insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) across sales, marketing, and customer service. Here's why having a RevOps dashboard is crucial:

1. Real-Time Data Monitoring

A RevOps dashboard allows you to monitor performance metrics in real-time. This enables quick identification of issues and timely interventions to keep your operations running smoothly.

2. Holistic View of Business Performance

By consolidating data from different departments, a RevOps dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your business performance. This holistic perspective helps in understanding how each function contributes to overall revenue goals.

3. Informed Decision-Making

Access to accurate and up-to-date data empowers leaders to make informed decisions. Whether it's adjusting marketing strategies, reallocating sales resources, or enhancing customer support, data-driven decisions are more effective.

4. Identify and Address Bottlenecks

A well-designed dashboard helps in identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your processes. By pinpointing areas that need improvement, you can implement changes to optimize performance.

How To Create A RevOps Dashboard With The HubSpot CRM

Creating a RevOps dashboard in HubSpot involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Align Your Teams

Effective RevOps starts with ensuring that your sales, marketing, and customer success teams are on the same page. Regular meetings and open communication channels are essential to maintaining alignment. This helps prevent silos and ensures that everyone is working towards common goals.

Step 2: Define Your RevOps Goals and Metrics

Identify the key metrics that are critical to your RevOps strategy and business. These might include:

1. Lead Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that turn into paying customers. 

2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The total cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses. 

3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): The total revenue you can expect from a customer over their lifetime.

4. Sales Pipeline Velocity: The speed at which deals move through your sales pipeline.

5. Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who stop using your product or service over a given period. 

6. Revenue Growth Rate: The rate at which your revenue is growing over time. 

7. Total Contract Value: The total amount a contract is worth. 

8. Renewal Rate: The percentage of customers who renew their contract.

9. Average Revenue Per User: How much revenue each active customer is worth.

10. Revenue Backlog: The amount of contracted revenue that hasn’t been recognized yet. 

Step 3: Integrate Your Tools

Ensure that all your tools and platforms are integrated with HubSpot. This includes your email marketing tools, sales software, customer support systems, and any other relevant platforms. Integration ensures that all data is centralized and accessible.

Step 4: Create Custom Reports

HubSpot offers a variety of standard reports in its Report Library. These reports can be customized to meet your specific needs. Some essential reports to consider include:

1. Returning Contacts: Tracks recently engaged contacts to identify new opportunities.

2. Leaderboard: Analyzes the performance of your sales team by measuring calls, meetings, and emails completed.

3. Trends Report: Summarizes how contacts are coming to your website, helping you understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

4. Average Time to Respond: Measures how quickly your team responds to customer inquiries.

5. Average Days to Close: Calculates the average time taken to close deals, providing insights into your sales cycle efficiency.

Step 5: Build Your Dashboard

With your custom reports in place, you can now build your dashboard. Here’s how to do it:

1. Navigate to Your Dashboard: Go to the "Reports" section in HubSpot and select "Dashboards."

2. Add Reports: Click on "Add report" and choose from the reports you’ve created.

3. Customize Layout: Use HubSpot’s drag-and-drop editor to arrange your reports. You can create multiple dashboards for different teams or objectives.

4. Set Permissions: Ensure the right people have access to the right data. HubSpot allows you to set permissions for each dashboard to keep sensitive information secure.

Step 6: Automate

HubSpot's Operations Hub can be used to automate and integrate workflows across your RevOps functions. This includes automating data syncs, setting up custom workflows, and ensuring that your data is clean and consistent. Automating these processes reduces manual effort and minimizes errors.

Step 7: Monitor and Iterate

Once your dashboard is set up, continuously monitor the data and iterate on your strategy. Regularly reviewing your dashboard helps in identifying trends, uncovering insights, and making necessary adjustments to improve performance.

Challenges Of Managing A RevOps Dashboard On HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is popular for its powerful and intuitive all-in-one solution for tracking sales and marketing activities. However, it poses some challenges in effective reporting. HubSpot’s default reports lack longitudinal insights, crucial for understanding month-over-month fluctuations in deal stages and variations across sales reps. 

Also, creating reports in HubSpot is time-consuming. Viewing metrics over different periods requires manually generating new reports each month or quarter. Lastly, HubSpot’s reports lack flexibility. For more granular analyses, such as tracking deals stuck in the pipeline for over five days, HubSpot’s tools are insufficient. 

Track Your RevOps KPIs In Real-Time With Sidekick

If this sounds like a lot of work, it’s because it is! You may want to consider using an automation powerhouse like Sidekick to streamline reporting for your RevOps team. Sidekick sends a summary of your selected KPIs weekly, monthly, or as per your required frequency. The cherry on top is that you get this as a Slack message, with no need to even log into HubSpot.

Book a demo with Sidekick to learn more about how we can transform your RevOps reporting game.

A Starter Guide on Creating a RevOps Dashboard on HubSpot


Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a strategic approach that unifies sales, marketing, and customer service teams under a single operational framework. By breaking down silos and fostering collaboration, it enhances efficiency and helps businesses achieve their revenue targets more effectively. If you’re just getting started with RevOps, it’s crucial to understand how to implement it on your CRM. 

There is no debate that RevOps has emerged as a powerful strategy to accelerate revenue growth. It has demonstrated substantial benefits in B2B tech companies, such as 30% reductions in GTM expenses, and 10% to 20% increases in sales productivity. 

According to LinkedIn, “Head of Revenue Operations” is the fastest-growing job in the US, even though the role is relatively new. Looking at this trend, it’s increasingly important to start tracking the right RevOps metrics. A well-designed RevOps dashboard ensures your RevOps structure is fueling growth as envisioned. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of a RevOps dashboard, what to track, how to create it with HubSpot, and some challenges you might face.

Why Is It Important To Have A RevOps Dashboard?

A RevOps dashboard provides real-time insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) across sales, marketing, and customer service. Here's why having a RevOps dashboard is crucial:

1. Real-Time Data Monitoring

A RevOps dashboard allows you to monitor performance metrics in real-time. This enables quick identification of issues and timely interventions to keep your operations running smoothly.

2. Holistic View of Business Performance

By consolidating data from different departments, a RevOps dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your business performance. This holistic perspective helps in understanding how each function contributes to overall revenue goals.

3. Informed Decision-Making

Access to accurate and up-to-date data empowers leaders to make informed decisions. Whether it's adjusting marketing strategies, reallocating sales resources, or enhancing customer support, data-driven decisions are more effective.

4. Identify and Address Bottlenecks

A well-designed dashboard helps in identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your processes. By pinpointing areas that need improvement, you can implement changes to optimize performance.

How To Create A RevOps Dashboard With The HubSpot CRM

Creating a RevOps dashboard in HubSpot involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Align Your Teams

Effective RevOps starts with ensuring that your sales, marketing, and customer success teams are on the same page. Regular meetings and open communication channels are essential to maintaining alignment. This helps prevent silos and ensures that everyone is working towards common goals.

Step 2: Define Your RevOps Goals and Metrics

Identify the key metrics that are critical to your RevOps strategy and business. These might include:

1. Lead Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that turn into paying customers. 

2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The total cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses. 

3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): The total revenue you can expect from a customer over their lifetime.

4. Sales Pipeline Velocity: The speed at which deals move through your sales pipeline.

5. Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who stop using your product or service over a given period. 

6. Revenue Growth Rate: The rate at which your revenue is growing over time. 

7. Total Contract Value: The total amount a contract is worth. 

8. Renewal Rate: The percentage of customers who renew their contract.

9. Average Revenue Per User: How much revenue each active customer is worth.

10. Revenue Backlog: The amount of contracted revenue that hasn’t been recognized yet. 

Step 3: Integrate Your Tools

Ensure that all your tools and platforms are integrated with HubSpot. This includes your email marketing tools, sales software, customer support systems, and any other relevant platforms. Integration ensures that all data is centralized and accessible.

Step 4: Create Custom Reports

HubSpot offers a variety of standard reports in its Report Library. These reports can be customized to meet your specific needs. Some essential reports to consider include:

1. Returning Contacts: Tracks recently engaged contacts to identify new opportunities.

2. Leaderboard: Analyzes the performance of your sales team by measuring calls, meetings, and emails completed.

3. Trends Report: Summarizes how contacts are coming to your website, helping you understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

4. Average Time to Respond: Measures how quickly your team responds to customer inquiries.

5. Average Days to Close: Calculates the average time taken to close deals, providing insights into your sales cycle efficiency.

Step 5: Build Your Dashboard

With your custom reports in place, you can now build your dashboard. Here’s how to do it:

1. Navigate to Your Dashboard: Go to the "Reports" section in HubSpot and select "Dashboards."

2. Add Reports: Click on "Add report" and choose from the reports you’ve created.

3. Customize Layout: Use HubSpot’s drag-and-drop editor to arrange your reports. You can create multiple dashboards for different teams or objectives.

4. Set Permissions: Ensure the right people have access to the right data. HubSpot allows you to set permissions for each dashboard to keep sensitive information secure.

Step 6: Automate

HubSpot's Operations Hub can be used to automate and integrate workflows across your RevOps functions. This includes automating data syncs, setting up custom workflows, and ensuring that your data is clean and consistent. Automating these processes reduces manual effort and minimizes errors.

Step 7: Monitor and Iterate

Once your dashboard is set up, continuously monitor the data and iterate on your strategy. Regularly reviewing your dashboard helps in identifying trends, uncovering insights, and making necessary adjustments to improve performance.

Challenges Of Managing A RevOps Dashboard On HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is popular for its powerful and intuitive all-in-one solution for tracking sales and marketing activities. However, it poses some challenges in effective reporting. HubSpot’s default reports lack longitudinal insights, crucial for understanding month-over-month fluctuations in deal stages and variations across sales reps. 

Also, creating reports in HubSpot is time-consuming. Viewing metrics over different periods requires manually generating new reports each month or quarter. Lastly, HubSpot’s reports lack flexibility. For more granular analyses, such as tracking deals stuck in the pipeline for over five days, HubSpot’s tools are insufficient. 

Track Your RevOps KPIs In Real-Time With Sidekick

If this sounds like a lot of work, it’s because it is! You may want to consider using an automation powerhouse like Sidekick to streamline reporting for your RevOps team. Sidekick sends a summary of your selected KPIs weekly, monthly, or as per your required frequency. The cherry on top is that you get this as a Slack message, with no need to even log into HubSpot.

Book a demo with Sidekick to learn more about how we can transform your RevOps reporting game.

A Starter Guide on Creating a RevOps Dashboard on HubSpot


Revenue Operations (RevOps) is a strategic approach that unifies sales, marketing, and customer service teams under a single operational framework. By breaking down silos and fostering collaboration, it enhances efficiency and helps businesses achieve their revenue targets more effectively. If you’re just getting started with RevOps, it’s crucial to understand how to implement it on your CRM. 

There is no debate that RevOps has emerged as a powerful strategy to accelerate revenue growth. It has demonstrated substantial benefits in B2B tech companies, such as 30% reductions in GTM expenses, and 10% to 20% increases in sales productivity. 

According to LinkedIn, “Head of Revenue Operations” is the fastest-growing job in the US, even though the role is relatively new. Looking at this trend, it’s increasingly important to start tracking the right RevOps metrics. A well-designed RevOps dashboard ensures your RevOps structure is fueling growth as envisioned. 

In this article, we’ll delve into the importance of a RevOps dashboard, what to track, how to create it with HubSpot, and some challenges you might face.

Why Is It Important To Have A RevOps Dashboard?

A RevOps dashboard provides real-time insights into key performance indicators (KPIs) across sales, marketing, and customer service. Here's why having a RevOps dashboard is crucial:

1. Real-Time Data Monitoring

A RevOps dashboard allows you to monitor performance metrics in real-time. This enables quick identification of issues and timely interventions to keep your operations running smoothly.

2. Holistic View of Business Performance

By consolidating data from different departments, a RevOps dashboard offers a comprehensive view of your business performance. This holistic perspective helps in understanding how each function contributes to overall revenue goals.

3. Informed Decision-Making

Access to accurate and up-to-date data empowers leaders to make informed decisions. Whether it's adjusting marketing strategies, reallocating sales resources, or enhancing customer support, data-driven decisions are more effective.

4. Identify and Address Bottlenecks

A well-designed dashboard helps in identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in your processes. By pinpointing areas that need improvement, you can implement changes to optimize performance.

How To Create A RevOps Dashboard With The HubSpot CRM

Creating a RevOps dashboard in HubSpot involves several steps. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Align Your Teams

Effective RevOps starts with ensuring that your sales, marketing, and customer success teams are on the same page. Regular meetings and open communication channels are essential to maintaining alignment. This helps prevent silos and ensures that everyone is working towards common goals.

Step 2: Define Your RevOps Goals and Metrics

Identify the key metrics that are critical to your RevOps strategy and business. These might include:

1. Lead Conversion Rate: The percentage of leads that turn into paying customers. 

2. Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC): The total cost of acquiring a new customer, including marketing and sales expenses. 

3. Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV): The total revenue you can expect from a customer over their lifetime.

4. Sales Pipeline Velocity: The speed at which deals move through your sales pipeline.

5. Churn Rate: The percentage of customers who stop using your product or service over a given period. 

6. Revenue Growth Rate: The rate at which your revenue is growing over time. 

7. Total Contract Value: The total amount a contract is worth. 

8. Renewal Rate: The percentage of customers who renew their contract.

9. Average Revenue Per User: How much revenue each active customer is worth.

10. Revenue Backlog: The amount of contracted revenue that hasn’t been recognized yet. 

Step 3: Integrate Your Tools

Ensure that all your tools and platforms are integrated with HubSpot. This includes your email marketing tools, sales software, customer support systems, and any other relevant platforms. Integration ensures that all data is centralized and accessible.

Step 4: Create Custom Reports

HubSpot offers a variety of standard reports in its Report Library. These reports can be customized to meet your specific needs. Some essential reports to consider include:

1. Returning Contacts: Tracks recently engaged contacts to identify new opportunities.

2. Leaderboard: Analyzes the performance of your sales team by measuring calls, meetings, and emails completed.

3. Trends Report: Summarizes how contacts are coming to your website, helping you understand the effectiveness of your marketing efforts.

4. Average Time to Respond: Measures how quickly your team responds to customer inquiries.

5. Average Days to Close: Calculates the average time taken to close deals, providing insights into your sales cycle efficiency.

Step 5: Build Your Dashboard

With your custom reports in place, you can now build your dashboard. Here’s how to do it:

1. Navigate to Your Dashboard: Go to the "Reports" section in HubSpot and select "Dashboards."

2. Add Reports: Click on "Add report" and choose from the reports you’ve created.

3. Customize Layout: Use HubSpot’s drag-and-drop editor to arrange your reports. You can create multiple dashboards for different teams or objectives.

4. Set Permissions: Ensure the right people have access to the right data. HubSpot allows you to set permissions for each dashboard to keep sensitive information secure.

Step 6: Automate

HubSpot's Operations Hub can be used to automate and integrate workflows across your RevOps functions. This includes automating data syncs, setting up custom workflows, and ensuring that your data is clean and consistent. Automating these processes reduces manual effort and minimizes errors.

Step 7: Monitor and Iterate

Once your dashboard is set up, continuously monitor the data and iterate on your strategy. Regularly reviewing your dashboard helps in identifying trends, uncovering insights, and making necessary adjustments to improve performance.

Challenges Of Managing A RevOps Dashboard On HubSpot CRM

HubSpot is popular for its powerful and intuitive all-in-one solution for tracking sales and marketing activities. However, it poses some challenges in effective reporting. HubSpot’s default reports lack longitudinal insights, crucial for understanding month-over-month fluctuations in deal stages and variations across sales reps. 

Also, creating reports in HubSpot is time-consuming. Viewing metrics over different periods requires manually generating new reports each month or quarter. Lastly, HubSpot’s reports lack flexibility. For more granular analyses, such as tracking deals stuck in the pipeline for over five days, HubSpot’s tools are insufficient. 

Track Your RevOps KPIs In Real-Time With Sidekick

If this sounds like a lot of work, it’s because it is! You may want to consider using an automation powerhouse like Sidekick to streamline reporting for your RevOps team. Sidekick sends a summary of your selected KPIs weekly, monthly, or as per your required frequency. The cherry on top is that you get this as a Slack message, with no need to even log into HubSpot.

Book a demo with Sidekick to learn more about how we can transform your RevOps reporting game.

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